$1,000.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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Farmers Coaching Farmers: Coaching Skills Certification

$6,000 payable in 6 Monthly Payments

In this program, you’ll get:

  • 20 coaching skills training lessons

  • 20 zoom sessions, 90 minutes each, where Charlotte teaches the concept for a portion of the time 

  • Then, for the rest of the 90 minute session you’ll practice coaching with each other and receive feedback from Charlotte on what’s working, and what you could do differently, so you can continually improve your coaching skills over the 6 months. How do you become a good coach? You start out as a bad coach! Remember that. No one starts out really good. We all start out not knowing the skills, and you improve over the 6 months the more you practice.

  • Includes 1-year free membership in the Farm Marketing Mastery Coaching Program